1.0 Introduction to the Department
The Department of Economics is in the Faculty of Arts, Social and Management Sciences at Dominion University. It offers B.Sc. degree programme in Economics.
1.1 Philosophy of the Department
The philosophy and mission statement underlying the Economics programme of Dominion University in the Faculty of Art, Social and Management Sciences is to produce graduates equipped with critical skills and abilities to:
i. abstract using simplified models that identify the essence of a problem;
ii. analyse and reason both deductively and inductively;
iii. marshal evidence, assimilate structure and analyse qualitative and quantitative data;
iv. communicate concisely the results to a wide audience, including those with no training in Economics;
v. think critically about the limits of one’s analysis in a broader socio-economic context; and
vi. draw economic policy inferences and to recognise the potential constraints in their implementation.
1.2 Objectives of the Degree Programme
The objectives of the programme are to:
a. provide training in the principles of economics and their application appropriate to the type of degree concerned (single, joint and combined studies);
b. stimulate students intellectually through the study of economics and to lead them to appreciate its application to a range of problems and its relevance in a variety of contexts;
c. provide a firm foundation of knowledge about the workings of an economy and to develop the relevant skills for the constructive use of that knowledge in a range of settings;
d. develop in students the ability to apply the analytical tools, knowledge and skills acquired to the solution of societies’ economic problems;
e. equip students with appropriate tools of analysis to tackle issues and problems of economic policy;
f. develop in students, through the study of economics, a range of transferable skills that will be of value in employment and self-employment;
g. provide students with analytical skills and the ability to develop simplified frameworks for studying the real world;
h. provide students with the knowledge and skill base, from which they can proceed to further studies in Economics, related areas or in inter-disciplinary areas that involve Economics; and
i. generate in students an appreciation of the economic dimensions of wider social and political issues.